08 Jul

Rats and rodents are a complete nuisance. Even if they don’t fall in the category of pests but still they can be a troublesome group. Slowly they will come into your house looking for food and will make a nest in your house permanently. Some may not like to share your room but will find their own place in the property to come and go at their leisure.

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These living beings can become a major pest concern as they can transmit a good deal of diseases to human beings. It's their waste that can become a form of contamination. Mice and rats carry pathogens in their little feet and fur and are known to cause more than 35 different kinds of diseases. This is what makes a rodent infestation so much more dangerous. And it is for the same reason that it becomes so important to get rid of them on a priority basis. If you want to know more about the list of infectious diseases that are carried and transmitted by the rodents are then read along:

Types of diseases causing germs carried by the rodents


Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is one of the worst diseases known to man-caused by rodents. Spreads mainly because of the droppings of the deer mice, Hantavirus is one of the life-threatening diseases. The virus can spread easily having direct contact with the feces or urine of the rodent. If the person consumes the contaminated food or gets bitten by the rodent then he can contract this disease.

It takes hardly one to five weeks for the virus to fully develop in the human body and the symptoms to come out after getting exposed to the contamination. The symptoms may appear as muscle aches, fever, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, and frequent chills. This can be followed by vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. This infection can prove to be fatal if not treated on time.

Bubonic plague

Mainly found in European lands, bubonic plague is one of the most famous rodent-caused diseases. Also known as the Black Death, is transmitted by the rats and rodents that have been infected by the bacterium Yersinia. This can be found on the fleas deposited on the body of the rats. The fleas on the rats and rodents can pass on to the pets as well making them quite deadly. Its symptom usually comprises of tender, swollen, painful lymph nodes, weakness, chills, fever, and headache. This needs immediate treatment with antibiotics or else may lead to death.


The culprit for Tularemia disease is the bacterium Francisellatularensis. This disease can spread by coming in contact with rodents such as rabbits, hares, and tick bites, and flies as well. They are also spread through airborne dust and contaminated water. There is a variety of symptoms associated with the disease. Some of the common ones are swollen lymph nodes, skin ulcers. These may appear after handling infected animals. All this can be accompanied by swelling of localized lymph glandsin the groin or armpit. If it is not treated by antibiotics timely, this can turn into a life-threatening disease.


Bacterium Salmonella causes the disease of Salmonellosis. It spreads in several ways. Some predict that it spreads through contaminated food and infected rodents. This can cause food poisoning and the symptoms include fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pains. It may not be as severe as other diseases spread by rodents. But the distress and pain caused by them can extend for long period.

Rat-bite fever

When humans come in contact with an infected rodent by eating the food contaminated by the rodents, rat-bite fever is caused. This is a bacterial disease that is caused by two bacteria: Spirillum minus, and Streptobacillus moniliformis. According to the CDC, the symptoms take 3-10 days after getting exposed to an infected source. The symptoms of this disease include muscle pain, headaches, vomiting, fever, and chills. This can be treated with antibiotics.

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis

LCM is a severe viral infection caused by the LCMV virus and spreads easily when one comes in contact with rodents. The worst thing is that they are caused by common house mice. According to CDC, the symptoms of this disease are a stiff neck, fever, headaches, motor abnormalities, sensory disturbances, drowsiness, confusion. It causes inflammation of the meninges and brain as well. it may not be fatal but is serious enough to be hospitalized.

Pest Control

Rodent control

Don’t let the rodent infestation get out of control. Even before you see a rodent coming into the house, take preventive measures to avoid that. If you leave them be, then it won’t take them long to make your house their nest. Whatever the case may be, it is best to prevent instead feeling sorry about it later. Once you witness rodent infestation in your house start with the following steps:

  • Contact pest management company for setting up an inspection date.
  • Start by cleaning the house and then disinfect the floors and surfaces before the exterminators come in. this will also clean the footprints
  • Set traps and baits.
  • Toss out any contaminated food and remember to remove all the garbage from the house.
  • In case there is any dead rodent on the premises or you come across any of their droppings, dispose of them carefully. Use proper safety equipment to handle them. Once they are taken care of make sure you scrub your hands and face properly.

You may try to use home remedies but it is hard to say whether they will be worth it or not. If you have any doubts and issues, you can contact a pest control company in Pune. They will help you get good exterminators for yourself. The company will also guide you with the procedure and help you in arranging things accordingly.

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